Foundation Cracks in Your Oklahoma Home

What Do These Cracks in my Oklahoma Foundation Mean?

If you have noticed cracks in your Oklahoma foundation, it is important to diagnose them right away so that you know what actions to take. Some cracks aren’t too serious, but others can lead to extreme damage in your entire home. Foundation cracks don’t fix themselves, in fact, they only get worse over time. Cracks can be caused by a variety of different things, such as overload, settlement, and heaving. Over time, your foundation can settle and heave due to soil erosion. If there is excess moisture surrounding your foundation, the soil underneath your home will expand and eventually cause your foundation to heave and settle. When the soil is dehydrated, this can cause voids in your foundation.  It is not uncommon to see cracks form because of this.

Different Types of Foundation Cracks & How To Repair

foundation cracksIt is important for homeowners and business owners alike to be aware of the different types of foundation cracks so that they can take the necessary actions needed for repair. Basically, most cracks are caused by either settlement and heaving or bowing and overload. If your foundation has settled or heaved, you will notice cracks that are either vertical, angled, or stair step. If your home has experienced an overload in lateral pressure, your foundation will be bowing. This causes cracks that are horizontal, or angled and horizontal.

Cracks can be mended by crack injection repair, but that won’t solve the main issue. No matter how many times you fill and mend cracks in your foundation, they will only continue to form as your foundation continues to settle. The only way to get rid of cracks once and for all is to repair your failing foundation. For settled and sinking foundations, our company offers several underpinning services to help stabilize your foundation and prevent it from further damage. These include the installation of steel piers, helical piers, new construction piers, helical tieback anchors, and hydraulic lift slab piers. These products will work to keep your foundation from shifting and settling, while providing it with incredible strength and support that will last for years to come.

Another thing that you can do to prevent future cracks is to have a waterproofing system installed in your home. Foundation cracks can indicate that there is hydraulic pressure pushing up against your foundation, and if you have noticed water seepage in your basement, then you definitely have a problem. Keep water away from your foundation with the professional waterproofing products that we offer here at Pierman Foundation Repair Services in Oklahoma.


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